E and i enjoyed the beautiful morning together. the schoolers had only half a day today so after a long pause we got to take along a friend for a play-date. what an interesting thing it was to see what S and D wanted to do when the friend was here and what all of them together decided to do. first they found a snail game and played it for some time, after it we had lunch, then D asked if he could play some music in their room. he chose for example the cd's that are on the picture above. he was such a dj :D. everybody loved to dance. then S asked if the friend would like to see the saxophone. the metronome was of course on and it was an exciting thing. then while i fed the baby they watched some stories from a dvd. then they wanted to put some hats on the baby's head to get big laughs while the baby looked like an indian or a pirate etc. i was happy that the play-date went so well. and it was nice to notice that yes D and S can behave ok in their social situations :D. it would be nice to be a fly on the ceiling at school sometimes. tomorrow we parents will hear the first feedback of the fall from the teacher face to face.
Never Say Never
1 viikko sitten
minä vaan täällä ihmettelen kuinka nuo pojat ovat taas venähtäneet! näyttävät tuossa kaverikuvassa niin isoilta pojilta ;) minusta olis myös kiva olla salaa katselemassa eskarilaisen päivää, kun on kuulema niin rauhallinen ja kiltti ja muut huomioonottava... ihan päinvastainen taas kotona.huh huh. viime aikoina ollu typykän kanssa aika rankkaa...
VastaaPoistaJokatapauksessa varmaan sydäntä lämmittävää kuulla että eskarissa noin hienosti käyttäytyy kun sekin vois olla toisin. Joo, poitsut tais kesällä kasvaa aika reilusti. En muista nyt tarkalleen kuinka pitkiä ovat tällä hetkellä. Jossain "varmassa jemmassa" tieto.