we spent this morning and the midday inside because of the heat and uv-rays. at 2 o'clock we headed to a beach, picnic foods covered with ice packs and ourselves sunscreened. we met a friend of mine who is visiting from california again. we sat under a big tree, it was perfect there. when going to the water i needed to dig out my summer hat. surprisingly well you can manage under its brim. very different than under a scarf.
1 viikko sitten
noi sun eväät on aina niin mahtavia!
VastaaPoistaTeki mieli just tollasta kuumana päivänä. Huomasit varmaan että myös taboulehia :). Valkoinen on tsatsikia. K toi ison hernepussin, joka sekin osottautui just sopivaksi hellepäivän naposteluksi.