on a holiday trip to a rosso restaurant! in kirkkonummi. we went to kirkkonummi swimming hall that has been recommended by many families. i also thought it was nice. a warm "therapy pool", dolphin pool for the littlest ones, a long water slide, a pool where water goes around and i guess it also had a jacuzzi. by the way, are there some other water slides somewhere near do you know? this slide was very nice. the slide ends in the end of the tube itself and the depth of the water is max 90 cm in the pool.

i was surprised by the quality of rosso. good choices for children and my own portion easily was competitive to the portion i had in rivoletto at the mother's christmas party.
huomenna saamme puuron sijaan erikoisaamupalan, siivoamme, teemme pizzaa ja vihdoinkin niitä pipareita! sitten ehkä askartelemme ja perheen miesten iloksi ammumme pari rakettia.
the swimmers ate everything!
tomorrow we will have a special breakfast, do some cleaning, make pizzas and finally the ginger bread cookies! then we'll probably do some handicrafts and for the pleasure of the men in the family we will shoot off a couple of fireworks.