yesterday i went to hämeenlinna with a dear distant relative of mine to run some family related errands. we had lots of time for discussions which was nice. not very many people were outdoors in hämeenlinna, except in one place...

mimittäin tässä kahvilassa oli uskomattoman vilkasta ja runsas valikoima. hinnat tuntuivat melko huokeille verrattuna helsingin kahviloiden hintoihin.
halloweenleivoksia katsellessa tuli sellainen olo että ei ne meidän kyhäelmät niin kovin huonoja tainneetkaan olla kun ihan kondituuriassa myydään vastaavia silmiä ja suita.

tänään vietimme viimeisiä halloweenjuhlia ihan vain perheen kesken. söimme burritoksia, sytytimme kynttilöitä ja sitten lupasin yllätysherkut karkki-vai-keppostelijoille.

in this cafe. it was unbelievably busy and there were lots of different pastries and cakes available. the prices were quite a lot less than in helsinki.
the berry thing was a lovely kvark dessert.

while watching the halloween treats i felt like our little faces probably were not as bad as i thought if they sell similar kind of mouths and eyes in the bakery.

today we had the last halloween celebration. just at home with the family. we had some burritos and lit the candles in the house. then i promised some surprise treats for the trick-or-treaters.
adults had the potato-cakes ("perunaleivos") and children got the halloween-bebes. (i bought these yesterday in the cafe in hämeenlinna).
the evening was spent coloring some halloween pictures.
let's see what time the house will be awake tomorrow. D woke up already at 5:45 and S who has very strict inner clock woke up exactly at six o'clock so at 7 o'clock the old time.