D: "this was my best day". i asked: "what was nice?" D:"moomin skiing school and the skiing competition". it gave me a nice feeling to know that we took them somewhere that they really like. i think the first picture is so lovely (not only because it's the only one taken by me, other ones by my husband :). in the picture D is enjoying alone skiing down a long hill.
katti matikainen in a winter fair in paloheinä.
E is staring at katti matikainen. right before he fell asleep tonight he repeated quietly in his bed: "there was katti matikainen and moomin in the moomin skiing school. yes, there was moomin and katti matikainen..."
aamulla S:lta ja D:lta lähti hiukset. melkein kaikki, koska koululla on nyt jonkun sortin täiepidemia. tuli kirje kotiin ennen lomia. ei enää meille täitä kiitos!
the sliding runs are gorgeous in paloheinä. the boys had a chance to experience the speed for the first time on this big hill.
in the morning D's and S's hair was taken away. almost everything, because there is some sort of head lice epidemic at school. a letter was sent home before the holiday. not lice for us any more thanks!
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