sunnuntai 5. huhtikuuta 2009

onnelliset virpojat -- a traditional palm sunday

tänään D & S tekivät vitsoja ja virpoivat terveiksi lähinaapureitamme. loru tuli aivan identtisesti ja samoin hengen vedoin! vaikka muuten hyvin erilaisia ovatkin. voi sitä onnea kun kerrankin sai herkutella oikein kunnolla. oli taas kerran ihana katsella heidän naamoja. this is an old finnish(?) tradition. children decorate some branches and go to peoples' homes to make them healthy by giving a certain rhyme and moving the branch up and down. then our neighbours get the branch and the children get some chocolate eggs, candies (or we sometimes got some money) into their baskets. today they were so happy to have their treats and see what was inside of the eggs. it was lovely to see them doing this all.  

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